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- Louise, Tia
Wait for Me Page 5
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Page 5
“This time I’m driving.” He takes my hand, pulling me close to his side as we walk.
It’s so possessive and unexpected, I forget to care what Sawyer thinks. I just want to stay here with him. I pull on my boots and climb onto the back of the three-wheeler.
My arms wrap around his waist, and I rest my cheek against his warm skin, closing my eyes and imagining this gorgeous man as my boyfriend… or something.
Akela is in dog heaven, barking and running the whole way with us. She probably thinks we’ve lost our minds charging into that icy pond… or she might think we’ve lost our minds not staying there. She is a cold-weather breed, after all.
Taron pulls up fast behind the small house, and we hop off, jogging around and up to the peach shed where only a few people still mill around.
“Where have you been?” Sawyer’s voice is sharp, and I look down at my drenched clothes, realizing my shirt has gone transparent.
My face flames hot as a firecracker. Gripping the fabric in both hands, I pull it away from my body, going to where he’s standing, Taron right behind me.
“It was so hot, and Taron asked me if there was a place to cool off. I thought we could go to Bates—”
“You’re supposed to be supervising the teenagers, not running off with Taron.”
“It was my fault,” Taron starts, but I interrupt him.
“You said we were done. We were off the clock—”
“Noel.” My brother’s hazel eyes flash.
I don’t even know why I’m arguing with him. This isn’t my first harvest. “Sorry. I’ll check on the kids and tell them when to be back tomorrow.”
“I’ve already done that. Go inside and make us something to eat. Mindy’s waiting for you.”
I take one last look to where Taron is pulling his tee over his head. He catches me and gives me a fast wink, which sends a grin splitting my cheeks.
I snap my head away so my brother doesn’t see us flirting and jog up to the house. Halfway through the door, Mindy’s on my case.
“Who is THAT?” Her voice is too loud, and she stands in the window staring outside at Taron. “Holy shit! Is there a missing Hemsworth brother I didn’t know about?”
Standing beside her, I watch as he walks toward the shed with Sawyer. His damp hair is messy around his face, and I think about how the muscle in his square jaw moves when he’s thinking. I shiver remembering his kiss…
“I don’t think so.” Heading to the fridge, I pull out the dinner prep.
This morning I’d put four New York strips in a gallon-sized Ziploc with Worcestershire sauce and garlic to marinate all day. I put the plastic baggie in the sink and take the cast-iron skillet out from under the cabinet and put it on the stove.
“Did I see you riding up behind him on the three-wheeler just now?” Mindy’s green eyes sparkle even more with the deep tan in her olive skin, and I know she knows.
“It was so dang hot today. I just showed him the Bates reservoir.”
“I see… Is that why your clothes are all damp?”
“Sort of. How’s things at the nursing home?” I take out a bunch of asparagus and give them a quick rinse, changing the subject.
I have no idea what’s going on between Taron and me, so I can’t be expected to explain it to my best friend.
Mindy pushes a lock of spiral-curly brown hair behind her ear and saunters to where I’m quickly cutting the hard ends off the stalks. She really is stunning. “Your aunt’s doing good, considering.”
I pause mid-slice, my eyes flying to hers and fear trickling into my chest. “Considering what? Did something happen? I was planning to come see her—”
“She’s fine!” Mindy puts her hand on my arm. “She’s fine… I just meant considering, you know... she’s in her own world.”
“Oh.” I spin around and grab a small package of mushrooms, quickly wiping them with a damp paper towel before dicing them. “I’m glad you’re there with her.”
I’ve known Mindy all my life. Her family and mine have always been close, and her mom was one of the main people to step up and make sure we made it through the worst winter of our lives—along with my dad’s older sister Doris, who’s now in the Pine Hills nursing home, where Mindy works as an administrative assistant.
“Not that she knows it.” Mindy slides the woody ends of the asparagus into her palm and tosses them in the trash. “Did you get your class list for fall yet?”
“Not yet. Did you?” I quickly remove the steaks one by one, giving them a light coat of salt and pepper before putting them in the hot skillet.
After a quick sear on both sides, I remove them and add the asparagus and mushrooms to the pan, sautéing them quickly. Once they’re ready, I return everything to the pan and put the whole thing into the preheated oven.
“Girl, I swear, you need one of those TV shows. You must be the fastest good cook I know.”
I wave her away as I take a paper package of dinner rolls from the refrigerator. They have three little lines in the tops, and I put a quarter-pat of butter on each one before popping them into the oven as well.
“It helps Sawyer and Leon are pretty clear about what they like and what they don’t like.”
Her eyebrows rise. “Rachel Ray has nothing on you.”
The rich aroma of cooking steak fills the air, and I switch on the vent. “They’ll be in here soon. Did you get your schedule?”
“No. Bea Johnson said she and Mavis got theirs today. I just wanted to be sure I didn’t do something wrong.”
“Well, if you did, I did too!”
We’re starting at the small college in town this fall, along with several of our friends, and I’m thinking it’ll be a good distraction with Sawyer away and Leon in school… and my brain still trying to figure out what to do with the Taron situation.
The back door opens, and three men charge in like a herd of buffalo. The kitchen is suddenly very crowded with all three of them crowding for plates and asking what’s for dinner.
Mindy waves from the back of the room. “I’m taking off. I expect the full story on this later.” She points over Taron’s head behind his back, and I narrow my eyes.
If she gets me in trouble with Sawyer… but my brother’s way more focused on steak than what my best friend is doing. Taron’s right behind him, and I think men forget about romance when they’re hungry.
After dinner, Taron recruits Leon to help him clean up the kitchen while I “take it easy.” Sawyer acts like this is a ground-breaking idea, and I internally shake my head. I know Sawyer feels bad Leon has no clear memories of our parents. I feel bad about that too, but not so bad I’d let my youngest brother grow up to be a spoiled brat.
With a sigh, I head to the shower. We’re all beat after this day, and the next two weeks will be no different. Still, I’ve got work to do before I can sleep.
A few hours later, I’m sitting on the floor in my bedroom watching a YouTube video about how to make peach body lotion when a soft tapping on the window almost jumps me out of my skin.
Akela’s head pops up, but her ears soften just as fast.
Taron is outside my window grinning in his naughty-boy way, and my insides clench. Holding up a hand, I wait to see if anybody’s coming before going and slowly raising the glass.
“What are you doing?” I ask, stepping back as he sits on the sill and swings his feet into the room.
I moved my bedroom downstairs to the master suite last year—primarily so I could have my own bathroom and some privacy from the boys, but also for the Internet cable. Sawyer refuses to set up the wireless because he “doesn’t want us on our phones all the time,” but I’ve got a surprise for him once he leaves.
“I wanted to see you again.” Taron catches me by the waist, pulling me between his legs. “You took off after dinner.”
“I was just getting ready for bed.” I put my hands on his shoulders, and the way he’s holding me, I’m very aware I’m only wearing a thin tee and boxer shorts. “I can’t believe
you got Leon to help with the dishes.”
“It wasn’t so hard. I think he really wants to help more.”
“I think he likes you—which is saying a lot.” Tracing my fingers along the ends of his hair, I think about who else likes him… “You’re trying to spoil me.”
“I want to spoil you.”
I study his blue-green eyes studying mine. He’s so pretty, it hurts.
“Well, I’m not getting used to it.” It’s a light tease, but secretly I want to cry thinking he’ll be gone soon. It seems so unfair.
My laptop is still playing on the bed, and he lifts his chin. “How are you getting such good service?”
I step out of his hands and walk over to hit the pause button. Then I lift the cord running out of the wall. “Cable.”
“Ahh.” He nods. “What’s that you’re watching?”
“How to make peach body lotion,” I read the title proudly.
“For your store?”
“Yeah, check it out.” I go to the bathroom and grab two small jars off my vanity. When I return to the room, he’s still sitting on the ledge, smiling at me. “I made this sugar scrub.”
Opening the jar, I hold it out to him. “Smell.” He takes it while I screw the top off the smallest one and slide my finger across the face.
“You made this?”
“Yep.” Reaching out, I slide my finger across his full lips, thinking how good they felt on mine.
His eyes narrow, and he pulls back. “Did you just put makeup on me?”
“It’s a hydrating lip masque. How does it feel?”
“Hmm…” He presses his lips together. “Moist.”
“Gross!” I give his arm a push, and he laughs, pulling me to him again.
“I’ve never seen your hair down. It’s pretty.”
Feeling self-conscious, I push it behind my shoulder. “I should cut it, but I can’t find a style I like.”
“Don’t.” His brow furrows. “I like your hair long.”
Another gentle tug, and I’m closer to him, our faces a breath apart again. The heat between us sparkles in the air. My eyes go from his chin to his lips… to his eyes, which are hungry and tempting.
“Can I kiss you again?” He speaks, and heat floods my lower body.
Closing my eyes, I lift my chin and kiss him first, lightly, carefully. He takes control at once, parting my lips and sliding his tongue along mine.
I never knew a kiss could feel this way, like I’m on fire from the inside out, like I want to rip my clothes off and rip his clothes off and do all sorts of dirty things with him.
I’ve kissed guys before, of course. I’ve even dated a few guys more than once—Digger Hayes being one of them, total mistake.
I’ve just never been touched or kissed this way. Kissing Taron makes me understand what the songs and books and movies are about. Now I know why people lose their minds and do crazy things for other people.
His soft lips are on my cheek, and his warm breath is in my hair. “You smell good.”
“You taste like peaches.” I touch my lips with my tongue.
He presses his together a few times. “I like it. You’ll have to make some for me.”
Stepping away, I go to my laptop.
“Sawyer thinks a store is a waste of time. He says we have enough to do around here without having a bunch of tourists poking around in everything.”
Taron sits beside me on the floor so our legs are touching. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s a potential goldmine. Everybody wants organic products, visitors want souvenirs… I think they’ll pay top dollar for this stuff.”
With a few clicks, I show him the research I’ve done on cosmetics and all-natural products and the growth in the market.
He studies it all with an interest that makes me fall for him a little more. “Is this what you want to do?”
“Dolly Parton says you’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try…” I feel self-conscious quoting my icon. “Anyway… I like a challenge.”
“I bet you do.” He smiles at me with something like pride in his eyes, and I feel so excited and optimistic that he believes in me.
“Is that why you joined the military? For the challenge?”
“I don’t know.” He slides a piece of hair off my cheek. “I didn’t have anything else in mind. All my friends were signing up. I figured I’d go and keep my eye on them.”
“Who are your friends? Besides Sawyer, I mean?” I want to know everything about him, how he can come into my life so quickly and feel so seamless, so irreplaceable.
“Patton, Martin… We call him Marley.”
My nose wrinkles. “Why?”
“He loves Bob Marley, and I guess…” Taron blinks down, seeming embarrassed. “He smokes a lot of pot.”
A laugh bubbles in my chest at his protectiveness. Or maybe it’s just the fact of him here, sitting in my room, talking to me this way.
“I love Bob Marley, too.”
He reaches for my computer and types something quickly. A few clicks, and the song “Is This Love” starts playing. Just as fast, he’s on his feet, pulling me up with him. I’m wrapped in his arms, and we sway to the beat of the reggae tune.
It’s like the lyrics are revealing my thoughts. Is this love that I’m feeling? Taron’s hand slides along the hem of my shirt, finding the skin of my lower back. When he touches me, my eyes close. I dissolve into the words. I want to know now…
Lifting my chin, I search for his mouth, and he kisses me again. Our lips seal together, and his palms flatten against my back, holding me securely against his hard body. I feel the hardness below his waist, and my head gets light.
My hands rise to his cheeks, and I drag my nails through the sides of his beard. He lets out a low groan. A soft moan rises in my throat as a response.
We’re moving faster. I’m off my feet. His hands are under my butt, and I wrap my legs around his waist. My nipples harden against his chest. I want to pull off my shirt and feel his skin against mine. I want him inside me.
My head is a fog of want and need and primal instincts when a loud banging on my door makes me yip.
“Noel!” Sawyer’s voice is loud outside. “It’s late. Turn the music down.”
My feet hit the floor, and I drag Taron to the window by his wrist. I’ve never needed my brother to tell me to go to bed, but I think it’s a good thing he did tonight.
“You’d better go. Tomorrow comes early, and it’ll be just as hard as today.”
We’re standing at the window, and Taron slides his thumb along the line of my jaw. We’re both breathing fast, and I’m trembling all over—only, it’s not from fear.
“Okay.” He smiles like he knows something I don’t. Leaning down, he kisses me once more, tugging my lips with his, before stepping through my open window and hopping down to the ground.
I watch him dash across the lawn, wishing I could call him back.
He pauses and looks over his shoulder once more, giving me a wave. I wave back before resting my cheek on my hand, feeling the glow radiating through my skin.
Lying in my bed, I can still feel her in my arms, still smell her hair, still feel her soft lips against mine. Noel LaGrange… I don’t know her middle name. It should be something beautiful like her.
Something with long, silky brown hair and golden-brown eyes. Her skin is so soft under my touch, her nipples hard against my chest.
I think about other girls I’ve been with. Some were interesting, some were funny, some were smart… None of them were her.
She looks at me like she feels the same way I do… like we’ve found something special. Like I’m the best thing she’s ever seen. Like the world has shifted and everything’s different.
I want her dreams to be my dreams. I want to hold her in my arms all night. I want to explore her, taste her, be inside her. I want her on top of me, under me…
I wonder ho
w she’ll sound when I make her come. I picture my lips against her shoulder, my face in her soft hair, inhaling the scent of peaches and coconut on her skin…
I’ve found her.
She’s with me, drifting into my room on the soft night air. I cover her small breasts with my hands, pulling a nipple into my mouth. With my knee, I slide her thighs apart, and as I plunge deep into heaven, she exhales a moan, soft and low.
Our bodies move together in a rhythmic wave, I thrust deep, and she rises to meet me. We move faster, grasping and pulling, straining to place our mouths on shoulders, collarbones, necks…
I’m so close, I want to hear her come…
One more thrust…
The obnoxious buzz of my phone alarm shatters my dream.
Sunlight breaks through the window, and I only hesitate a moment before getting out of bed, shoving down my morning wood and staggering to the bathroom. I jerk my jeans over my hips and pull on a tee, quickly brushing my teeth and step into my boots before heading out the door to the house.
Akela meets me, and I give her head a rub, jogging with her the rest of the way to the back door, where Noel is already at work in the kitchen. Hesitating on the back step, I watch her moving around making us breakfast in those cutoffs. She’s wearing a dark purple tank this time, and her hair is piled on top of her head again. I can’t think of a better way to start the day…
Our eyes meet, and I’m through the door, ready to pull her to me for a kiss when Leon and Sawyer burst into the room, breaking the moment. We only get to touch hands, steal longing glances when their backs are turned.
Jay’s crew arrives before we finish, and while I want to hang back and help her clean up, Sawyer hustles us out the door before I can start. I’m in the field with the men before she leaves the house.
The rest of the day is the same as the one before—hell, the whole week is the same, except the sun beats down hotter. We’re exhausted by mid-afternoon, but at night, I slip across the yard to her bedroom window. She shows me what she’s working on, and I hold her in my arms. Akela lies on the floor watching us happily while Noel mixes the raw ingredients—things I’ve never even heard of, shea butter and jojoba—and makes me pick my favorite scents.